Sunday, May 19, 2024

My view... 2024-05-19-0001



  1. The legend of Donald Trump will last in the ballad of "Li'l Donnie Oops-:Poop" ... but probably not as long as the stench he will leave behind... from his behind...! 🎵 "and long may his story be told" 🎵

  2. Thanks to The Hollywood Argyles for the memories and the inspiration for this cartoon...!

  3. Hey... we can't expect a great man like Donald J. Trump to empty or change his own diapers... that is, unless those trying to be his vice president pick are willing to jump in there with both hands and give it a try...! I heard that Kristi Noem cleaned up after all the animals, on her farm, until she got tired of that and put them down. O.K., maybe not Trump's first choice, as we know she carries a gun and has a short fuse...! I'm sure their are plenty others who are willing to get their hands dirty, though...!

  4. 🎵
    And on Trump's poop, I will no longer stoop
    ("Li'l Donnie Oops-Poop", poop, poop-poop)
