Friday, May 17, 2024

My view... 2024-05-17-0001



  1. Yo... "Sammy the Judge", as mob boss "Li'l Donnie" likes to call him... what are you and the boys, on the court, gonna do about that Cohen rat...?

  2. Nothing says America in distress more than Trump's new fascist/dictator flag...!

  3. "Li'l Donnie" now wants to know what "cognitive dissonance" is, since he never saw that name on any of his tests...!

  4. Yo... "Sammy the Judge", being a "Supreme" doesn't mean you can be standin' on my beautiful tie here...! So, if I was you, I'd be movin' it or losin' it... "kapeesh", (capisci)...! Like I said; "I'll be behind you forever... or, until I'm not...!", now move it...!

  5. "Li'l Donnie" says that "Sammy the Judge" obviously doesn't have a prenup with his wife, as he was able to easily throw her under the bus... unlike Trump, who has to tread lightly around Melania, who has him on a very short leash...! Talk about Trump's self imposed gag order, when it comes to saying anything about Melania. Heck, Melania is just waiting for "Li'l Donnie" to be convicted for trying to cover up his multiple adultery affairs, so she can file for divorce... and take him to the bank... then get on with her life, void of the disgusting, smelly, orange, old man, that embarrasses her, just by being in her presence ...!

  6. "Sammy the Judge" has to admit that Trump's new fascist/dictator flag expresses his feelings a lot better than that "Old Glory" one that real Americans still believe in...!
