Wednesday, May 8, 2024

My view... 2024-05-08-0001



  1. Is Rudy back...? Now this is the kind of lawyer our "Li'l Donnie"
    needs, instead of those do nothing, high priced lawyers he has
    working for him in the Stormy case. Rudy knows exactly what
    Trump wants and needs and is just incompetent enough to give
    it to him and stupid enough to do it for nothing...! Remember,
    Rudy is one of Trump's original MORONS and what he hasn’t
    learned, he never will…!

  2. "Li'l Donnie" only needs one of you to sell your soul to the devil... but all of you would be perfect... and you can trust him, as you will all be paid by Donald Trump, (or whatever name he's using in his shell companies), just like everyone he does business with... although, "Li'l Donnie" has assured his lawyers, that their checks are "in the mail" and will arrive at any time now...! "TRUST TRUMP - 2024", as he would never lie to YOU...!
