Friday, May 3, 2024

My view... 2024-05-03-0001



  1. Driving through South Dakota, brings back memories of "the good old days", while seeing those nostalgic 💈Burma-Shave💈 signs along the roadside... and newer ones are also visible, going to the newly named "Cricket Gravel Pit", near Kristi Noem's farm...!.

  2. We all know that dogs can't vote, unless they're MAGA dogs, trying to vote illegally... but it does look like they can drive, from this cartoon, at least in South Dakota...!

  3. "Li'l Donnie" never met a dog he liked, but unlike Kristi Noem, he let's his "big game" hunter son's, Junior and Eric, take the "dirty dogs" out, when they go hunting...!

  4. Just like "Li'l Donnie", Kristi says; if you're not for Trump, everyone is a "dirty dog"... one of the standard, "go to", MAGA hate rants...!
