Thursday, May 16, 2024

My view... 2024-05-16-0001



  1. Yep, that's "Li'l Matty", all right, looking to see if Trump has any underage girl, legal assistants, on his team, who need a little help checking their "briefs"...!

  2. Hey, "Li'l Matty" has a VENMO account... he's willing to pay to help any way he can...!

  3. As "Li'l Donnie" says; yes we Klan, as the family that slimes together, crimes together, while MAGA Republicans show their true colors, (actually, only one color... lily-livered, gutless, moron white), all while selling their soul to "America's Most Wanted" crime boss... Donald John Trump...!

  4. "Li'l Donnie" is not a real racist... he's just having fun, playing one on TV... oh, and by the way... he lied, as he really is a racist...! Has been all his life, thanks to his father, and always will be... because, that's who he is...!

  5. Quiet... QUIET...! Listen, everybody listen. What's that gushing/sucking sound at Trump's trial, coming from the Republican MAGA Moron's "peanut gallery", in the back of the courtroom...? (Note: Whatever it is, it sounds absolutely disgusting !) Disgusting to all of us, yes, but to "Li'l Donnie", it's music to his ears...! TRUMP - 2024...! Vote NO on Trump and end that sucking sound forever...!

  6. "Li'l Donnie" is upset with the Republican MAGA Morons from Congress, who attended his trial to show their support, because he specifically told them to wear matching uniforms that would remind the world who they were supporting and they all thought, they had done just that... hoods included...!
