Thursday, May 2, 2024

My view... 2024-05-02-0001



  1. Kristi Nome's final solution; a happy puppy, chasing birds in a field is a dead puppy. Kristi Noem, America's "KILLJOY"...!

  2. Kristi Noem's attempt at her "Gravel Pit Cemetery" is to rival Stephen King's "Pet Sematary", in hopes that Trump will notice just how talented and evil she could be as vice president... but "Li'l Donnie" never read the book, saw the movie or understands words with more than one syllable, so she lost him after the word "pit... and she was lost, in his eyes, after the publication of her book, as Trump couldn't allow 2 MORONS on the ticket, as that might confuse the people as to which one of them was the President...!

  3. Kristi wants you to know how hard it is to put a little puppy down, as it's not the killing part, but, after, when you have to get rid of the body. Do you know how how hard it is to dig a hole in gravel, as those little rocks keep falling back in the hole... so you just have to leave it where it lies and just cover it up, as best you can... and even then, you can only pile those little rocks just so high, until they start falling down the sides, thus, still leaving part of that disgusting, bad, evil dog exposed... I HATED THAT DOG...! Regardless of all that, Kristi wants you to know that it takes a strong, compassionate woman to put a little puppy, (that I couldn't train to hunt for me, down)... doing what had to be done. Finally, she wants everyone to know, as a teaching moment for her children, they have learned to do exactly what I say, when I say it and not complain and remember "Cricket"... OR ELSE...!

  4. Kristi beware... Cricket is now guarding the gates of Heaven...!

  5. Talk about your MAGA one hit wonders... then there's "Lara, (you call that singing), Trump", who will never have to wonder about being a one hit wonder...! 👇 [Insert rim shot here...!]

  6. 🎵
    Hush, hush sweet puppy,
    My sweet puppy didn't try,
    Hush, hush sweet puppy,
    For you're about to die...!
    Bang, bang sweet puppy,
    I told you not to cry,
    Bang, bang I begged you,
    Now you're gonna die...!
    You never did what I said
    You never wanted to try
    So now you're happy dead,
    Chasing birdies in the sky...!
    And you can thank Kristi...!

  7. Hey Kristi, once you start lying, you better buckle up for the ride, as she also wrote in her book o "non- fiction";

    "Through my tenure on the House Armed Services Committee, I had the chance to travel to many countries to meet with world leaders, some who wanted our help, and some who didn't. I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. I'm sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I'd been a children's pastor, after all),"

    So, Kristi, since you didn't meet with Kim Jong Un or did you just get him mixed up with that other little tyrant Donald John Trump...?

  8. Road signs on the
    way to a gravel pit
    in South Dakota...!
    💈 💈 💈 💈 💈 💈 💈
    Kristi Noem lied
    Why Cricket died.
    💈 💈 💈 💈 💈 💈 💈
    Then Kristi cried
    And tried to hide.
    💈 💈 💈 💈 💈 💈 💈
    But Cricket died
    'cause Kristi lied.
    💈 💈 💈 💈 💈 💈 💈

  9. Now that Kristi's puppy is pushing up 🌼 daisies 🌼... the sound of "Cricket" is deafening, all across America, as "Cricket" will 👻 haunt 👻 Kristi Noem... forever...! ...!

  10. Kristi Noem's "Cricket" puppy killer crime will "DOG" her forever... whatever she does... wherever she goes... whatever she says...!

  11. Kristi Noem claims she could teach an old dog new tricks... so she taught her new dog an old trick... "PLAY DEAD", the only way she knew how...! Her FINAL solution...!

  12. Like Kristi says; A dog that won't hunt a bird in the bush, is worth 2 bullets, in the head, and a hole in the ground...!

  13. Kristi also says; you can't blame the trainer when you have a worthless dog that you hate...!

  14. 🎵
    How much is that puppy in the gravel pit...?
    The one that won't go hunting for quail.
    How much is that puppy in the gravel pit...?
    Sorry, that dead puppy is no longer for sale.

  15. Do you have a pet you can't train or control and don't live near a gravel pit...? Maybe it's time to call Kristi Noem... "Have Gun Will Travel"... for help.

    Kristi Noem, Kristi Noem
    Where do you roam...?
    Kristi Noem, Kristi Noem
    Far, far from home.
    "Have Gun Will Travel"
    Reads the card in her hand.
    A fast gun for hire
    In a savage land.
    A legend in her own mind
    Going it alone.
    When you need a fast gun
    Just call Kristi Noem...!
