Saturday, May 18, 2024

My view... 2024-05-18-0001



  1. "Li'l Donnie" got caught monkeying around... lied about it to steal an election... and now it's time to pay the "organ grinder"... no wait, that didn't quite come out right, as I'm not very good at metaphors... but you know what I mean...!

  2. How about Trump's monkey business catches him with his pants down...?

  3. I kind of remember "Li'l Donnie" being up this same tree, in New York, earlier this year... and since Trump has committed most of his crimes, throughout his life, in New York, I suppose he will back up in this same tree many more times, before all is said and done in the life of "The Donald"...!

  4. When it comes to "Li'l Donnie", she only uses "Trump 47", (a.k.a. "Trump Gas B-Gone"). to clear the air, when he just can't control himself in public... or anywhere for that matter. Remember, don't leave home without it... "Li'l Donnie" never does. (Note: "Trump 47" is only $9.95 and is available at Trump.con.)

  5. ๐ŸŽต
    Little monkey up a tree,
    What do you see...?
    It looks like justice
    Is coming after me...!
    So... little "Li'l Donnie",
    What are you gonna do...?
    I'm gonna run like hell
    Before they lock me in a zoo.

  6. This is a picture of Trump we haven't seen before, as we now understand why all the women that "Li'l Donnie" has sexually assaulted, over the years, have all said the same thing... "Get your stinkin' paws off me, you damn dirty ape...!”

  7. The one thing "Li'l Donnie" has never learned, throughout his life is to keep his debauchery to himself... or more precisely, in his pants...! But, a LOSER always tries to prove he's something more than he is, while always coming up "shor๐Ÿ„"...!
