Wednesday, August 31, 2022

My view... 2022-08-31-0001



  1. The only thing Mickey Mouse about this club, is its lying, loser leader...!

  2. "Li'l Donnie" never had a clue and never will have a clue, as he always has been and always will be a MORON... and is a danger the the United States of America and himself, for what he has done by stealing classified material...!

  3. LOCK HIM UP... LOCK HIM UP... LOCK HIM UP...! And, for God's sake, shut him up...!

  4. The only thing Mickey Mouse about this club, is its lying, loser leader…! It also looks like this pack rat, "Li'l Donnie", should have been “de-ratifying” his "loyal" supporters one, stinkin', dirty rat, at a time...! Although, it probably would have been easier to start at the top, with the “Big Orange Cheese” boss, himself.
