Wednesday, August 10, 2022

My view... 2022-08-10-0001



  1. Trump takes a dump on the New Your case against him, while taking the fifth... just like a mob boss would...!

  2. Wow...! It's bad enough, that Trump's toilets in Mar-a-Lago are always plugged up... now, he has to deal with his toilets at Trump Tower...! Where will this all end up...?

  3. "So maybe, in just a few more days...!" Well, I wouldn't count on it, as "Li'l Donnie" has been so full of it and so backed up, all of his life, I doubt it will ever come out... "butt" if and when it does... it will be YUUUGH...!

  4. Maybe "Li'l Donnie" should try some "Truth Prunes"...! They're not just for breakfast anymore...! They're for constipated liars, like "Li'l Donnie"...!
