Wednesday, August 3, 2022

My view... 2022-08-03-0001



  1. Move along... nothing to see here, as it's just another Trump Brand failed scam, con, grift... or all of the above...! Hey, it's what "Li'l Donnie" does... it's who he is...!

  2. "Li'l Donnie", a real class act, grifting off the dead...! Now that's what the Trump Brand is all about...!

  3. While married to Ivana, "Li'l Donnie" spent time at his favorite sport of cheating on her... and now, he has buried her on his golf course, where she can now watch over him cheating at his second favorite sport... both of which he's not really that good at. Just ask Stormy and any or all of the others he has “played” with, on and off the golf course, over the years…!

  4. Hey, "Li'l Donnie" was just puttering around... and anyway, he has paid for his indiscretions bigly, ($130,000 to $150,000), that we know about...!

  5. Stop picking on "Li'l Donnie", as he has been playing every day of his life, like he plays every round of golf, with a handicap rating of "moron", which even he can't dispute...!

  6. For someone, like "Li'l Donnie", who claims to be worth billions, it's amazing how he shows himself, time after time, to be absolutely worthless as a human being. But after all, what would you expect from America's biggest LOSER...?

  7. Not only did Ivana have to put up with all the dirt "Li'l Donnie" dumped on her during their marriage, with the lying and the cheating... he gets to dump dirt on her one more time, by sticking her in the ground at on of his tacky golf courses. Now this man exudes class out every orifice he has... as only "Li'l Donnie" can. What a man...!
