Sunday, August 21, 2022

My view... 2022-08-21-0001



  1. This poor, pitiful creature has been picked on, relentlessly, almost to the point of extinction... so please, help "Li'l Donnie" save this endangered species, before it's too late. Give whatever you can but remember, the more you give, the greater the chance that this rare and distinct, whatever it is, will be around, not only today but tomorrow and well into the future, spreading its lies and destroying lives. So, don't let this chance go to waste, as only you can save "The Trump" and keep him and his “whatever it is”, fat and sassy...!

  2. I know, "Li'l Donnie" said all those other times he asked for money to save him, he said it was important... but this time, it really, really is important... and he's not lying, really, as this time, you can trust him. Please, Trump needs your help now, so don't wait and send all you can... then, send some more...!

  3. Look, it's "Li'l Donnie" trying to save his alter ego... or whatever that is, grabbing all the money and burgers he can, before they send him away... for good. HURRY, as time is running out to give Trump the rest of your money. Remember, he needs it more than you do, so give now...!

  4. Who said "Li'l Donnie" never had a pet...? Maybe, we never saw or knew the real Trump...!
