Tuesday, August 23, 2022

My view... 2022-08-23-0001



  1. Now here's someone who knows how to hide the truth, while covering up his crimes... and, we all thought he was
    a moron…!

  2. Hey, "Lil Donnie", you do know that there is a Moscow in Idaho, if you're looking for lower postage rates and want to save a buck...!

  3. "Li'l Donnie" needs your help, NOW...! Please send money, as postage rates to Moscow are extremely high, thanks to the evil, United States Government Post Office and their continuing harassment of your favorite president. Don't hesitate, as I must get these boxes to Vlad as soon as possible, before the F.B.I. comes and steals "MY" personal stuff...!

  4. After "Li'l Donnie" has all these boxes of classified documents squirrelled away in his various hideaways and "safely" locked up, (in his basements, bathrooms or buried next to Ivana), it will be time for Trump to be locked up...! LOCK HIM UP... LOCK HIM UP... LOCK HIM UP...! Oh, and don't forget to throw away the key, as there will be no reason to unlock his cell ever... EVER...!

  5. Sorry "Li'l Donnie", if you thought the F.B.I. wouldn't check Melania's bedroom. Only a moron would think that... and we already know you have that one covered...! And, when the F.B.I. told Melania they were going to check her bedroom, she said; "I really don't care, do U?"... and please get these tacky boxes, filled with my "husband's" White House crap, out of my room...!

  6. Oh, and if you find any handwritten notes on any of the documents, that look like mine, remember that Melania's handwriting looks a lot like mine... and we all know, that she has had it out for me, for a very long time, as she only married me for my money...!
