Saturday, August 27, 2022

My view... 2022-08-27-0001



  1. So many tiny, greasy. orange fingerprints... but can we be sure it's "Li'l Donnie", even though it looks like he is the only one here trying to "plant" or hide evidence, hoping not to reap what he has sown...!

  2. Hopefully, if there's any reaping to be done, the F.B.I. will do it...!

  3. Now, "Li'l Donnie" is thinking he may have to dig up Ivana, as he can't remember exactly what boxes he buried with her...!

  4. Yep... so many crimes that even a stable genius like "Li'l Donnie" can't keep them straight...!

  5. Did "Li'l Donnie" bury top secret documents, with Ivana, at Bedminster...? America demands to know. DIG HER UP...! DIG HER UP...! DIG HER UP...!

  6. So you think Ivana may be violated in her final resting place...? While Melania, on the other hand did feel violate by the F.B.I., just like the last time "Li'l Donnie" touched her... once again, causing her to go out and buy new underwear...!
