Friday, August 26, 2022

My view... 2022-08-26-0001



  1. Yes "Li'l Donnie", be very, very careful, as you never know who you can really trust... and with all the people Trump has thrown under the bus, I'm sure his list is getting smaller every day...!

  2. "Li'l Donnie" says these boxes are his and he wants you to show a little respect, as he sends them off to the great here after... or wherever the hell he's going to send/hide them...! So, back off and give him a moment of silence so he can finish this very SAD task, before observing a "moron's moment of mourning", Trump style... and, don't forget to send money to "Li'l Donnie" so he can pay for all that burial dirt, as it ain't "dirt cheap" anymore...!

  3. All this top secret, secret and confidential stuff is bringing back a rush of my early Navy memories… although, back then, we couldn’t take "souvenirs" out of our work space, let alone back to the barracks or even home, after we left the Navy. I guess now, though, if you’re a famous moron, they let you do it…!
