Friday, August 12, 2022

My view... 2022-08-12-0001



  1. If "Li'l Donnie" is going down... I think he would prefer an escalator in lieu of an anchor... just saying... although, with his weight, I'm not sure an anchor is really, all that necessary...!

  2. "Li'l Donnie" just needed all that top secret stuff to help supplement his income during his golden years, when he could no longer scam his followers, because the finally got wise to him...! And... we all know that "Li'l Donnie" will do anything for a buck... including treason...!

  3. Are we talking about Donald Trump's "short plank" here...? Only Stormy knows for sure. At least, he won't have to worry about stepping on it. if it is his...!

  4. WHINE... WHINE... WHINE...! Talk about your anchor babies... there has never been a bigger one then "Li'l Donnie", ever... EVER...!

  5. "Li'l Donnie" about to take a long walk off a short plank...? America wants to thank Trump; "Plank you... plank you very much...!"
