Sunday, July 28, 2024

My view... 2024-07-28-0001



  1. Hey... Trump proclaims his hands aren't filthy, just because of all the judgements and convictions against him, as he's only groping the flag because of "his" special “immunity” given him by “his” Supreme Court, besides, he's not disputing that he is a sexual predator., as he veers off into his land of Hannibal Lecter, electrocution, shark talk, that resides in that vast empty space in his head...! So hey... let the "old man" grope while he still can, as he knows not what he says or does, anymore...!

  2. An Ode to "Li'l Donnie"

    Groping for love
    In so many places
    For those I've violated,
    Can't remember their faces
    And lucky for me
    There are no DNA traces
    So, I keep looking for love
    In all the wrong places...!

  3. It's way past time to get a restraining order for this sexual predator, as he is not only an extreme danger to any and all women... he openly desecrates the American flag... in public, like he's some kind of porn star...! No wait...haven't we already determined that he is...?
