Monday, July 1, 2024

My view... 2024-07-01-0001



  1. Help sharks…! Quick, everybody throw “Li’l Donnie” some
    batteries, so he can end it all, before those sharks get him…!
    Trust me… it’s the way Trump has said that he wants to go…
    as it’s time to put him out of his fear and his misery of sharks
    and his fear of being invited to Hannibal Lecter’s for dinner…!

  2. Luckily for "Li'l Donnie", with all his fat, he is able to float... not so good, though, is with all that fat, when they throw in the batteries, he's likely to turn into one fat, fried, french fry... but, for "Li'l Donnie", what a way to go, as a fast food LOSER...🔋🍟🔋...! Order up...!
