Saturday, July 27, 2024

My view... 2024-07-27-0001



  1. You can judge a man by the friends he has and the company he keeps... except, :Li'l Donnie" really doesn't have any friends and we can all see what kind of company he keeps...🐷…!

  2. Hey... "Li'l Donnie" was born filth only lies and filth inside of him...!

  3. It sounds like "Li'l Donnie" is now "GASLIGHTING" himself, as his new plan for "TRUMP WORLD", is much ado about nothing... like blowing smoke up his own rear... that is, if he waits for a lull in his outward flow of gas, to allow for some inward flow of gaslighting, but hey, he's Donald Trump and he can do anything... reverse the flow of gas, reverse time by making the world spin backwards... you know, when America was great and white men ruled their women and all the rich people were happy because they controlled everything and had immunity for all their crimes...!
