Tuesday, July 2, 2024

My view... 2024-07-02-0001



  1. Trump asks, why aren't the people happy...? Well, just like "Li'l King Donnie", his "Supreme Court Jesters" are not that funny...! Maybe, they should try some of Trump's electrocuted shark schtick or some stories about the late, great Hannibal Lecter, for a few laughs, as those seem to keep all of his MAGA Morons rolling in the aisles at his rallies or his live, cognitive, therapy sessions or whatever you call what he does, when he’s out and about making a fool of himself...!

  2. "Li'l Donnie" doesn't want to be a KING... he wants to be the new "Adolf-Putin-Un-Hannibal-Xi" and official MAGA crime boss and pussy grabber, EXTRAODINAIRE of the world, for starters...! Of course we all know what happened to Arjen Rudd's immunity in "Leatha Weapon-2", thinking he was above the law...! Of course, it's just a matter of time before "Li'l Donnie" starts referring to the late, great. Arjen Rudd, in his campaign speeches, having both him and Hannibal Lecter over for a nice shark dinner...🦈🍽🦈...!

  3. The six MAGA Supreme Court Justices just created a "🚫 No Crime Zone 🚫" all around "Lil Donnie", in their power grabbing quest to destroy the "📜 Constitution 📜" and the "👨‍👩‍👦 American 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Dream 👨‍👩‍👧" for all of us and our children, and all freedom loving people, now and into the future...! God help us and God bless the United States of America, as it's time to get out the vote and take our country back...!

  4. "Li'l Donnie" can't believe it, as porn stars and Playboy Bunnies are now "official acts" that he can't be prosecuted for... while 😿 pussy 😿 grabbing is now Donald Trump's preferred sport, thanks to the Supreme Court, at his Mar-a-Lago resort... because, when you're a big star, like "Li'l Donnie", the MAGA Morons, on the Supreme Court, will let him do it... will let him do anything...!

  5. "Li'l Donnie's" confirms the Confederacy is rising again, under his leadership... hopefully, not as high as Trump's tiny, little 🍄 mushroom 🍄 he keeps hidden in his pants, in the dark, where nobody can see how pathetic this little LOSER really is...!

  6. "Little Brett the Boofer" will do anything for a beer... even turn his back on the truth and justice, when it comes to upholding the Constitution of the United States...! Corrupt is as corrupt does... and these 6 Republican MAGA Supreme Court Judges, do it so well, it's not only disgusting... but sickening to see in America...! They're all LOSERS...!
