Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My view... 2024-07-24-0002



  1. Hey... "Li'l J.D.", not to worry, as the only other person with his foot in his mouth, more than you, is Trump... and as long as you don't come close to his record, he will probably keep you around... and until he won't...!

  2. "Li'l J.D.", all the best, wrapped up in another one of Donald Trump's worst picks ever...EVER...! But hey... he doesn't care because it's what he does, it's who he is, (A LOSER), and besides, it's all about him anyway, as he has to keep up his losing streak...!

  3. "Li'l J.D." says enough with the "couch" stories, while admitting that he had a troubled past, as a young man and often thought of transitioning to a "Lazy Boy"... but now he has learned how to alienate and hate women, to keep his mind off such things...! So, "Li'l J.D." says don't worry and relax, as this "Lazy Boy" knows exactly who and what he is...!
