Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My view... 2024-07-24-0001



  1. It looks like Trump has found, in "Li'l J.D.", a "PUSSY" he can grope whenever he wants... and get away with it, as "Li'l J.D." likes it... he really, really likes it...😺😸😹...!

  2. Like "Li'l Donnie" says; πŸ’‹ KISS MY @$$ πŸ’‹ America, you know you want to...! It's kinda like drinking the "Kool Aid"... "butt" only comes in one flavor...! Are you man enough...? "Project 2025" MAGA Evangelicals are...!

  3. Maybe "Li'l J.D." was wrong about "Childless Cat Ladies"...! No, probably not for this "Brainless Neanderthal" Trump, MAGA Moron LOSER and now, God's gift to the never Trump women's vote...!

  4. Since "Li'l Donnie" can only project his own faults onto others... he wants to know, from the American people, if his extremely, huge butt makes his extremely, huge butt... look EXTREMELY HUGE or just HUGE...!
