Tuesday, July 23, 2024

My view... 2024-07-23-0001



  1. Is Trump’s "end" near, as objects in mirror appear closer than they are... although, not necessarily larger, as we all know Trump’s rear is really, really large, regardless of how far away he is… mirror or not...!

  2. Ahhh... the Trump projection machine... when you have nothing truthful to say about your opponent... just lie and project your own faults on others...!

  3. Look...! It’s time for Republicans to transfer their Biden hate to Harris, as these LOSERS have nothing but hate to offer America.

  4. Yep... "Li'l Donnie" and his MAGA Republican MORONS, are such LOSERS, all they have to do is look in the mirror to see enough stupid crap, about themselves, that they can come up with a never ending amount of projections to try and dump onto others... and are dumb enough to think people won't notice how stupid they are...!
