Tuesday, August 27, 2024

My view... 2024-08-27-0001



  1. Cluck-cluck...🐔🐔🐔..."Li'l Donnie" is not a chicken...🐔🐔🐔...cluck-cluck...!
    "Li'l Donnie" just sounds like a chicken whenever he is around Kamala Harris...!

  2. As "Chicken Li'l Donnie" is looking to hide from Kamala and the debate, he's back to crying; "the lies are falling... the lies are falling"...!

  3. "li'l Donnie" claims he is not a chicken... but he sure is full of enough chicken crap to fool most people...!

  4. And, as far as Trump's vile, foul mouth... and the master of "blow jobs", the only "blow job" he will be experiencing is another blown loss at the ballot box, as he does that better and more often than anyone... and that really blows, "Li'l Donnie"... doesn't it...?

  5. "Li'l Donnie" doesn't need the nuclear codes anymore, as he already stole those... what he really wants to know are those secret, eleven herbs and spices, so he can sell those to his friends, (our enemies), for a quick buck, while destroying America from within... one original tasty piece of chicken at a time...! God save 🍗🍗🍗 KFC 🍗🍗🍗, down with Trump... "HARRIS/WALZ-2024"...

  6. Hey "Li'l Donnie", I hear you claim that you are not a chicken... but, I also understand that you are what you eat... thus, making you the biggest (300lbs. and counting...?), "CRY BABY" chicken America has ever seen...🐤🐤🐤...!
