Wednesday, August 14, 2024

My view... 2024-08-14-0001



  1. A mind is a terrible thing to waste... but then, again, if there wasn't much there to begin with... like "Li'l Donnie" always says, when it comes to his family members... what's the loss...? Can you say KARMA "Li'l Donnie"...?

  2. Kamalablah... blah... blah... blah... blah... blah... blah...! Hey... what did you expect... it's the best that "Li'l Donnie" has... it's all he has...! Blah... blah... blah...!

  3. "Li'l Donnie" doesn't care if he mispronounces Kamala's name because he's a racist and will call her whatever he wants... and Americans constantly mispronounce Trump's name as "Donald Turd"... because it's just what he is...!
