Tuesday, August 6, 2024

My view... 2024-08-06-0001



  1. Who knew that all the garbage that "Li'l Donnie" was throwing at others would actually stick to him after all these years...? I suppose, when you start with nothing, you end up with nothing but self projection and a LOSERS strategy...! Thank you "Li'l Donnie" for showing us, in your posts, how to capitalize LOSER... with a capital "TRUMP"...!

  2. Sometimes, things are just too old to recycle, as "Li'l Donnie" should probably just stay where he is... in his own self made dump...!

  3. "Li'l Donnie" needs to keep his filthy, toxic waste in his own dump and stop polluting the rest of America, as we have had enough of his crap filled lies and hate...! We are better than that... better than Donald Trump... LOSER...!

  4. Yeah, well... at least :Li'l Donnie" found his old hat of his that he keeps throwing away..!

  5. Forget "Sleepless in Seattle", as our scared "Li'l Donnie" is GUTLESS IN MAR-A-LAGO... hiding from Kamala, claiming he doesn't have to debate her, as everybody now knows he's a coward, so what's the point ...!

  6. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" has really been "down in the dumps" since Kamala Harris has entered the race, as he doesn't know how to confront an intelligent, powerful, strong, black women... so, he reverts to his old, worn out, name calling, labeling her "Kamablah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blac, blich", in his standard, disgusting, misogynistic way of speaking about women... just like the little pig he is and always has been...🐷🐷🐷...!

  7. With "Li'l Donnie", hiding from Kamala, down in the dumps... he has his "Li'l J.D." out stalking Kamala's airplane, while giving his version of "Four Seasons", porn store interviews to "tens" of people, who want to know if he prefers a couch to a "Lazy Boy", when he returns home at the end of a busy day out on the campaign trail...😺😸😹...!
