Friday, August 2, 2024

My view... 2024-08-02-0001



  1. "Li'l Donnie" needs to be very careful with his Klan buddies, as some are beginning to question his "whiteness", as they are not sure what race "Orange" is...! Maybe Trump needs to tell them the "Orange" is just true, southern, Confederate, "Nazi-Klansman" MORON... America's "Supreme Race"...!

  2. "Li'l Donnie" needs to be very careful with his Klan buddies, as some are beginning to question his "whiteness", as they are not sure what race "Orange" is...! Maybe Trump needs to tell them the "Orange" is just true, southern, Confederate, "Nazi-Klansman", MORON... America's only "Supreme Race"...! No... and not Diana Ross and those other black girls, "Supreme Race"...!

  3. Trump's "Family Favorite" racist statements and his MORONIC statements, pulled fresh, daily, from his dumb ass, are now available for only $9.95 each, from Trump.con, so order now, while "Li'l Donnie" is still cognitive enough to produce such crap...!
