Thursday, August 1, 2024

My view... 2024-08-01-0001



  1. Oh look... it's America's racist, "Li'l Donnie", doing what he does best... racism... because, when you're a racist, doing what racists do, what else is there but racism... unless you're a sexual predator and misogynistic pig... but then, again, Donald Trump has so many disgusting qualities, it's hard to come up with where he's coming from or even what he stands for, except lies, hate and division, for his own personal gain and all at the expense of everyone else...! Let's remember that LOSERS always do what LOSERS do... LOSE...!

  2. Instead of “Li’l Donnie” scraping the bottom of his empty barrel of lies, hate and crap, he should probably go back to scraping his own bottom or maybe his used diapers, to come up with some more of his crap. I’m sure there’s still lots to be had, although it may be a little old at this point…!

  3. Is it time to bring back those “oldies”, as "Li’l Donnie” is definitely more than old enough now…?

  4. We've all heard the sad but true story about "Li'l Donnie" being born with a silver spoon in his mouth, although he likes to say it was gold... but we all know it was more like a tin scoop... and it was not in his mouth, "butt" in his rear...🥄🥄🥄...!

  5. Uhh... did our weak, "Li'l Donnie" mention that he really doesn't like smart, strong, Black women...? Yeah... you know he doesn't like them because he uses a lower case "b" when talking about Black women or any Black person, for that matter, as that's what racists do, because the have nothing else. Well, it takes a little man, like "Li'l Donnie", to show us just how little this LOSER is 🍄🍄🍄...!
