Thursday, June 1, 2023

My view... 2023-06-01-0001



  1. Trump's lawyers try in vain to teach
    their client this simple rhyme;

    Row, row, row your boat
    Quietly up Poop Creek...
    But when you confess on an open mic,
    You really shouldn't speak...!

    Note: Poop always flows downstream
    no matter how hard you paddle, in the
    other direction, to get away from it and
    if you don't even have a paddle, you
    know that you will eventually end up in
    a huge pile of...!

  2. Like America's moron says; is this tape recorder on... is this mic working...? Alrighty then, let my self incrimination begin...!

  3. "Li'l Donnie" , up the creek without a paddle...? And, we all were told that Trump always carried a rolled up magazine, with his picture on the cover, in case he needed a paddling by a porn star. You know, when you're a porn star, "Li'l Donnie" will let you do it...!

  4. Heck... "Li'l Donnie" will even pay you $130,000.00 to have you paddle him... !

  5. Yeah... but you can't let Melania find out, cause she just had his baby...!

  6. The classified documents are mine, plus I have already sold them...! Did "Li'l Donnie" just say that or think that... and if he thought that, did he have his brain switched on to declassification mode, so he won't incriminate himself... again...! Good luck with that, as I doubt he knows where that switch is... or if he even has one...!

  7. 🎵
    Up the creek again,
    "Li'l Donnie" is going
    Up the creek again
    Like a loser, once again,
    "Li'l Donnie" can't wait to go
    Up the creek again...!
