Tuesday, June 6, 2023

My view... 2023-06-06-0001



  1. Remember... if you have Rudy as your lawyer, you have a fool and/or a moron as his client... and an idiot, as your lawyer...!

  2. So, let me get this straight, when it comes to witch hunts. If Trump is innocent, burning him at the stake will not harm him... and, as a back up, if they try to drown him and he dies, he's also innocent. Looks like a win-win and/or lose-lose... however you look at it...!

  3. Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire... O.K., they're not that great...!

  4. 🎵
    "Li'l Donnie" fell into a burning ring of fire,
    He went down and the flames went higher
    And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire,
    Especially when you're a big, fat liar...

  5. As far as "Li'l Donnie" is concerned, he's innocent until proven toast...!

  6. For "Li'l Donnie", indictments are like Big Macs, as I bet he can't stop at just one...! Or, is that like sexually abusing women... as we know he definitely can't stop at one...!
