Wednesday, June 21, 2023

My view... 2023-06-21-0001



  1. Donald Trump storing his dirty underwear in his top secret document boxes... also explains why "Li'l Donnie" stripped down his own bed, every day, while he was in the White House and if you don’t know why he did that, remember, DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL, or you will embarrass Trump… bigly… by exposing his dirty, little secrets…!

  2. "Li'l Donnie" says he had every right to take and keep his "daily briefs"... and in this particular case, he's welcome to them, as I'm sure, even Melania didn't want to touch them, even with a ten foot pole...! And, as far as "Li'l Donnie" stripping down his own bed, every day, also explains why Melania slept in her own bed, in her own room...!

  3. Is it just that "old man" smell that Trump exudes... or, is it the fact that "Li'l Donnie" fills his pants every time he gets indicted and then tries to hide it by hoarding his "briefs"...?

  4. Like they say, turds of a feather, stick together... or something like that...!

  5. "Li'l Donnie" goes through so much underwear, that he now finds it easier and less expensive, to just take off his pants and stand in a toilet. Of course, he has to worry that no one will come along... and flush it...! Although, what a way to go, for America's piece of crap...!

  6. Getting flushed...! Well, I guess that is what happens when you become a "number 2"...!

  7. Not only does "Li'l Donnie" not have the time to go through all those boxes... he thinks, the whole job stinks and is beneath him... in his underwear...!

  8. So, does "Li'l Donnie" thump on his dried, old underpants to determine if they are "ripe" enough to be picked from his document boxes...? Or, does he have another way, like just thinking whether they are "ripe" or not...?

  9. Like Tattoo would say, if he were at Trump's "Fantasy Mar-a-Lago"... "DE TURD...! DE TURD"...!

  10. Trump's classified documents case:
    Is this really the hill that "Li'l Donnie" wants to "diarrhea" on...?

  11. Trump's classified documents case:
    Critical choices have to be made by Trump, so watch your step "Li'l Donnie" or you will be up to your ears in your own crap...!

  12. No "B.S." here, as it's all just "T.S."... a.k.a. Trump crap... and it stinks to high treason...!

  13. Wipe, rinse and flush this turd down the drain... for good...!

  14. Our Donald "in the John" Trump
    Only has time to take a dump.
    But no time to check his boxes,
    Or is he just being sly like foxes.
    He whines and he cries a lot
    "Butt" can't seem to get off the pot.
    Sticking it to us, for no reason,
    As it sure looks more like treason.
    It's time for us all to take a dump
    On Donald "in the John" Trump...!

    Don't forget to flush when finished.

  15. Hey... it's not all just Trump's crap he has to go through, as he sometimes wets himself...! So that's why everyone calls him "The Leaker"...!

  16. Trump's White House staff said that "Li'l Donnie" never checked his daily briefs... and it is now, obvious why... although he did save them, for some unknown reasons. Maybe, because the crap always starts and stops with Trump...!
