Monday, May 29, 2023

My view... 2023-05-29-0001



  1. Trump makes Memorial Day speech... and also makes an ass of himself... again...! And, you would think his ass is big enough already...!

  2. Yeah... "butt" with Trump, there's always room for more...!

  3. Look... it's "Li'l Donnie" in his best "Dessert, (not Desert), Stormy" military gear, looking to grope a few prisoners on his war against sexual abuse... because they let him do it...! Remember, like Trump says, you can't even start to spell Memorial Day without "Me"...!

  4. "Li'l Donnie"... MAGA's hero, to the very end...! Hopefully, sooner rather than later...!

  5. Today is a time to remember America's real heroes... not the MAGA LOSER, "Li'l Donnie"...!

  6. :Li'l Donnie" remembers the "losers and suckers", as he likes to call them, who gave their lives for America while serving in the military... because, as he likes to tell it, he's still here, preying on women, while they just died for nothing. You tell 'em "Li'l Donnie"... you're the man...?...!

  7. Yep... our "Li'l Donnie" dodged the draft, so he could stay home, protecting our women and fighting STD's, as only he could...!
