Saturday, June 24, 2023

My view... 2023-06-24-0001



  1. "Li'l Donnie" whines about the loser rats that have turned on him and his crime family, when the biggest rat is the little orange, wannabe, "BIG CHEESE" Cheeto, who can't keep is own trap shut... at either end...!

  2. Yeah... and those socks should still have a foot in them...!

  3. Especially the sock that goes in the other end... and as far up as it can go...!

  4. “Li’l Donnie” starts ranting with rat emojis, on Truth Social, to keep his friends close, when he should be keeping his mouth shut and his “dirty rats” closer… especially if you think you are the “BIG CHEESE”…! Remember, "Li'l Donnie", to smile... and say cheese, as your "dirty rats" are about to take a bite out of crime...!

  5. Something really stinks here and it ain't the limburger... and "Li'l Donnie", like always, says it isn't him... and we all know Trump would never lie...!

  6. "Nyeah,,, you dirty rats"... I know, Trump doesn't know if it was James Cagney or Edward G. Robinson that said that... but thinks it might be the gangster Rocky, from a Bugs Bunny cartoon. Donald Trump, stable genius... extraordinaire...!.

  7. Hey, these "dirty rats" would sell their mother or even Minnie Mouse for a piece of the "BIG CHEESE", if it would save their own skin...!

  8. If anyone knows how to cut the cheese, it's a rat... and better than that, the "BIG CHEESE" master who hired all his rats...!

  9. Careful "Li'l Donnie", as this could be your death by a thousand cuts... while these rats are cutting the "BIG CHEESE" deals to save their lives...!

  10. Looks like these rats are nibbling at Trumps vulnerabilities, trying to take a bite out of Trump's crimes against America...!

  11. 🎵
    Who's the leader of our coup
    That's made for you and me...?
    D-O-N-A-L-D... T-R-U-M-P...!
    Who's the biggest cheese cutter
    In the Trump Crime Family...?
    D-O-N-A-L-D... T-R-U-M-P...!
    Who's the loser that we follow
    That will go down in infamy...?
    D-O-N-A-L-D... T-R-U-M-P...!

  12. "Li'l Donnie", the BIG CHEESE in the Trump Crime Family... the BIG ORANGE CHEESES, a.k.a. "Don Cheetos"...!
