Friday, June 9, 2023

My view... 2023-06-09-0001



  1. Our "Li'l Donnie" has never walked away from a fight... that he has rigged in his favor, except, when he loses. Then, he will claim it was rigged against him and illegally stolen by the deep state, woke Democrats...! [Note: The Brooklyn Bridge is for sale and available now, at Trump.con, for only $9.95.]

  2. "Li'l Donnie" is looking for a knockout punch, to end his court battles, as well he should... but it ain't going to be coming from him...! Trump should take a dive now, before he's really knocked out and loses for real...! But, he's been a loser his whole life... so, damned if you do and damned if you don't...!

  3. What the hell is going on here...? "Li'l Donnie: could have been somebody... he could have been a contender...! Not really, as once a loser, always a loser... GOTCHA...!
