Tuesday, February 25, 2025

My view... 2025-02-25-0001



  1. Mein "Li'l Führer", Trump, says that in his America, retribution means pain and suffering, as that is the point so, DEAL WITH IT...! Remember that empathy and compassion are for LOSERS...!

  2. As our "Li'l Führer" proclaims... OFF WITH THEIR HEADS and LET THEM EAT EGGS... if they can afford them...!

  3. Now, that's what I'm talking about, so give that man a crown...!
    There he is, America's "Li'l Dick" Traitor,
    There he is, your ideal...

  4. "Li'l Donnie" says to follow him, as we're all going to Hell, thanks to him...!

  5. Somebody is going to pay for this and after my retribution, I'm taking all the money I can get and head to Russia, like all the other world leader LOSERS...!

  6. Elon's "Whiz Kids" and part-time "Reapers" know how to inflict pain and suffering because, that's the point, as they rob America blind and then delete the evidence of their crimes...!

  7. "Li'l Donnie" backpedals on Zelensky "dictator" claim... "I can't believe I said that", as everyone knows this world is only big enough for one "DICK" traitor...ME...!
