Saturday, February 1, 2025

My view... 2025-02-01-0001



  1. What would you expect from "Li'l Donnie", when everything he says comes directly out of his rear orifice, where his lies come in solid, liquid and "gas lit" form, that only his supporters seem to eat up...!

  2. When it comes to "Li'l Donnie", the turds don't fall far from the asshole he really is...@!

  3. Kristi Nome is at a loss in her new job and doesn't know what to do, after Trump's D.E.I. speech, as she has heard that there's a real sick puppy lose in the White House... but not to worry, as "Li'l Donnie" only hires the best and the brightest... and heck, she's WHITE, so what could go wrong...?

  4. Something's rotten in Denmark and it's not the cheese... or Greenland, as you don't need to go any further than the disgusting, sick liar "Li'l Donnie", America's LOSER piece of crap...!

  5. That's a "Li'l Donnie" turd, alright, as you can tell by his tiny, little turd hands, as he tries not to lose his grip on those bags of his illgotten gains, stollen from the American people...! As a side note... with those tiny, little hands, how did he ever grope all those women he has abused...?

  6. Trump's tiny, litt;e turd hands have even littler, tiny turd fingers and are enhanced in their smallness by Trump's disgusting, massive, overweight body... that nobody, NOBODY, can believe or has ever seen before... purely a man of amazing beauty and gross, unnatural "saturated fat"...! Now, who says America doesn't believe in D.E.I., (Donald Eats It), hiring, when we've elected Donald J. Trump as President...?

  7. "Psyco Turd Trump" is destroying America with his deteriorating, insane incompetence...! Impeach Trump now, before it's too late... third times a charm...!
