Sunday, February 23, 2025

My view... 2025-02-23-0001



  1. "Li'l Donnie", losing it on the golf course says, forget the eggs... WHERE ARE MY BALLS...!

  2. WOW...! The "old" Donald Trump would just cheat and hit whatever ball he thought would give him a better shot... but not this "older" Trump, as time is running out for this LOSER...!

  3. Hey, "Li'l Donnie", right in front of you, under you big, fat gut, hanging over your belt...!

  4. Yeah... :Li'l Donnie" really doesn't have a clue what's in all those executive orders that he has been signing but, but this executive order about his balls is very, very important to him, as he is getting old and he can't always remember where his balls are, especially while playing golf... and when you are as old as Trump... your balls are a terrible thing to lose...!

  5. Question:
    The world wants to know, where are Trump's balls...?
    "Depends"... or possibly "Huggies"...!

  6. Hey "Li'l Donnie", didn't you father have a fake office set up, during his cognitive decline into dementia... where he could sign meaningless, fake orders and talk on a fake phone to fake businesspeople, to give him something to do while battling this affliction...? Does this sound similar or familiar to you in any way whatsoever, like you are being used, in your declining years, to make you think that you are still relevant and/or still important, while others are destroying America, in your name, so you will go down as the worst President in American history and you didn't even have a clue...! Now, that's SAD...! Or, more than likely, you are what you are and always have been... a crook, a con man, a grifter, a sexual predator, a liar, a cheat and let us not forget, a convicted felon. So, we know who you really are, and I guess the really SAD part is, that when the end is near, you will be sitting in your fake office, signing meaningless, fake orders, talking on a fake phone to fake businesspeople, but not even knowing what you are doing or why you are there... but, that's kind of what you're doing now, isn't it...?
