Wednesday, February 5, 2025

My view... 2025-02-05-0001



  1. Hey "Li'l Donnie", I thought you said you could shot somebody on Fifth Avenue and get away with it... and now, that you have your special "Trump Immunity", you're sending out your goon sqquad of newly pardoned insurrectionist Proud Boys and White Surpremacists, instead, to do your dirty work...! The orange sure doesn't fall far from the guttless, YELLOW coward... but you always were a LOSER...! IMPEACHMENT NOW, as the third time is a charm... for America...!

  2. Trump's newly pardoned, brown shirt, goon squad has indirectly been given their marching orders, by only his best "Trump D.E.I." hires in his cabinet of LOSERS and MORONS, giving him plausible deniability, even though Trump has his special immunity deal with his other LOSERS and MORONS on the Supreme Court...!
