Tuesday, February 4, 2025

My view... 2025-02-04-0001



  1. Thank you "Li'l Donnie" for your promise kept, now, how can we ever repay you...? Just name it and it is yours, as nobody deserves what is coming to them, more than you...!

  2. P.S. Hey, $9.95 for a one of a kind Trump egg is not that much, so buy more than one and SHUT UP and don't say Trump never did anything for you...!

  3. And hey... if :Li'l Donnie" had to go through all that pain for laying a big egg... you can all go through the pain of paying $9.95 for one, so hurry, as prices for my my Trump eggs won't stay this low forever... probably not even for the rest of the day...!

  4. Don't be fooled America... that egg only looks big because Trump's little hands are sooooo tiny...!

  5. EGGCELLENT...! "OO~~~", that's a big one, as I needed a little extra gas pressure to pop that one out. Like they say, no pain, no gain...!

  6. "Li'l Donnie" sitting on that egg reminds me of Slim Pickens sitting on that bomb, riding it to the end of the world in the Dr. Strangelove mobie, Let's all pray that never happen...!

  7. Notice that "Li'l Donnie" only said promise, (singular and not plural), as he really hasn't even kept one promise, yet, but he would like you to believe his never ending lies, anyway, as it's the only way he can keep his con going...!

  8. There's stupid and then, there;s stupid... and then there's really stupid, "Trump STUPID"... God help us all...!

  9. 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚
    Is our "Li'l Donnie" one of those
    transgender chickens... because
    he can lay eggs or because only
    a "REAL MAN", like Trump can
    lay an egg, every day and do it in
    public, for the whole world to see.

  10. Mr. Trump's "EGG-cellent" adventure into motherhood, as we would all like to congratulate the manly rooster that finally stuck it to "Li'l Donnie"... in the end...!
