Thursday, April 23, 2020

My view... 2020-04-23-0001


  1. So, is there a punch line here… and if so, where do we line up to throw a punch and knock some sense into this joke?

  2. ... and didn't come back in the fall? Hopefully, that will be Trump's fate, after November 3rd... [rimshot]... BADA-BING! Now that, "Li'l Donnie", would be funny!

  3. Hey Donnie... while you're dying up there on the stage, you're killing us out here in the audience... and that's not funny anymore! YOU"RE NOT FUNNY ANYMORE! So please, get off the stage and go back to your old job of playing the fool on a reality TV show. It's who you are and what you're good at. Then we can all laugh at you again, without it killing us.
