Saturday, April 18, 2020

My view... 2020-04-18-0002


  1. "Li'l Donnie" says we don't need oversight because he will control where the money goes. Thank God we can trust him!

  2. And miles to go before I sleep
    And cartoons to draw of our “Li’l Creep’!

    Hey, so I have nothing else to do while stuck here in my house. Not sure which one is worse… COVID-19 or Trump-45! Don’t worry, I now, but COVID-19 is almost as bad! Just be careful, as either one can be dangerous to your health.

  3. Like anything Trump touches... FOLLOW THE MONEY, as the rich get richer, while "Li'l Donnie" tries to think of ways to skim some of the cream off the top, so those who really need help don't get too fat. Remember, it's all about Trump... so deal with it!
