Thursday, April 16, 2020

My view... 2020-04-16-0001


  1. "Li'l Donnie" is a believer in a strong constitution and he tries everyday to practice his daily "constitutional", usually first thing in the morning, to fulfill his commitment to America to be B.S. free for the day, although it usually doesn't work for him. Hopefully, he will keep trying, for all our sake.

  2. Trump puts everything he's got into his briefs... and we all know the only thing that "Li'l Donnie" has got, in his empty shell of a human being, is an unlimited supply of B.S.! Let's face it, that's the best he's got, it's all he's got! And all we get, is to watch him wallow in his own self-serving crap. Like they say; if the pooh fits, wear it... and Donnie, you've earned it!

  3. Did we ever doubt where "Li'l Donnie" pulls out his great, terrific and powerful... very powerful plans from? It's the same place the people tell him where to stick them once they've been "dumped" on with his never ending B.S.! Now, wipe, flush twice and don't forget to wash your hands "Li'l Donnie"... or maybe get Mitch to help. I hear he's pretty good at covering your rear.
