Tuesday, April 14, 2020

My view... 2020-04-14-0002


  1. Note: Trump's bold strength B.S. Mouth Wash is also available at Trump.con for only $9.95. Melania even uses it after she has to kiss "Li'l Donnie"... especially if she is forced to kiss him after one of his briefings! Hey, shouldn't Melania not be touching his mouth at all? Heck, he doesn't wear a mask... who knows what his filthy mouth has been saying or where it has been!

  2. Take it from the bull in the cartoon, who is sometimes full of it, too, although not near as much as Donald Trump continually is... "Trump B.S. Mouth Wash" might just be the answer to covering up any disgusting odor you may be spewing forth, from either end... although it might be a little harder to gargle from the rear... that is, unless you are Donald Trump!

  3. Remember, B.S. stands for Bold Strength and not what you were thinking, although, I could understand why you might be confused, especially when it comes to "Li'l Donnie"...!
