Friday, April 3, 2020

My view... 2020-04-03-0001



  1. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" is finally "In" with his "In Crowd" of sycophants... God, (or whoever picked Trump as the chosen one), help us all, as "Li'l Donnie" certainly isn't capable of helping anybody, other than himself... and then, that is suspect, as he can’t even close an umbrella!

  2. Doctor Donald J. Trump is "In"... and he's just getting started!

  3. Hey, since "Li'l Donnie" is so full of it all the time, shouldn't "In"continent be on that list too... maybe near the top if not the top?

  4. How about n"In"compoop...! O.K., so I've strayed beyond the "In" guidelines... but you have to admit that nincompoop should seriously be considered here, as it sure seems to fit "Li'l Donnie.
