Thursday, October 31, 2024

My view... 2024-10-31-0001



  1. It looks like this Trump karma came in a big garbage truck, just to give "Li'l Donnie" a ride to the dump, in the last of this "Trump Trash Trilogy" of garbage cartoons, thanks to the good people from Puerto Rico, who reminded us just what a despicable, ugly piece of trash "Li'l Donnie" is... and, hopefully, in time before the election to make a difference, so it's up to all of us to do what's right for America and make sure this piece of trash stays in the dump, where he belongs and we can get back to cleaning up all the garbage Trump has left behind...!

  2. Maybe, if they had painted a pussy 😹 near that garbage truck door handle, "Li'l Donnie" would have been able to grab it on the first try... maybe...! Or, maybe, he is just too old to get a grip on anything that's going on around him anymore...! Sad... so very, very SAD...!

  3. It looks like Trump's "Make America Great Again" plans have taken us back in time, to now, when today's colored "Orange" person has to sit in the back of the garbage truck... now that's what we call karma... so, it's time "Dump Trump-2024" and leave him on the trash heap of evil history, by voting HARRIS/WALZ-2024 and make America better than it has ever been... together...!
