Tuesday, October 29, 2024

My view... 2024-10-29-0001



  1. Karma is a beautiful thing, especially when it's dumped back where it belongs... so, don't forget to recycle your "Trump Trash" and vote HARRIS/WALZ-2024...!

  2. "Trump Dumps" on America, as its number 1 "Garbage Man"...! He's what a LOSER is... he's what a LOSER does...!

  3. The ultimate Trump recycling:
    Garbage in the White House...!
    Garbage out of the White House..!
    No deposit... NO RETURNS...!.

    Vote HARRIS/WALZ-2024 for a
    clean America we all deserve...!

  4. "Li'l Donnie" wants to know where all his "cheap" Puerto Rican laborers are. Well, maybe, he shouldn't call their birthplace a dump... or threaten to deport Puerto Rican/American citizens... and maybe, just maybe, he should look a little closer to his own home and his own family, when it comes to a couple of his own wives and the "anchor babies" they produced for this MORON, with a Drumpf Family history of immigration to the United States of America...! Be careful what you wish for "Li'l Donnie", before it "REARS" up and bites you in your big, fat, dumb "ASS"...!

  5. Most all of that trash, that has washed up onto Mar-a-Lago, looks to be used paper towels you threw at Puerto Ricans, as your disaster relief program, while you were in office... and it looks like they... and karma didn't forget...!

  6. Maybe if "Lil Donnie" hadn't spent his whole life stiffing his workers and treating them like crap, he might have had some loyal employees... so, maybe, that's why he thinks getting some German Nazi Generals to clean up his trash and take out his soiled diapers is what he needs to show what a great leader he is... and, hopefully, in the end, they won't turn on him like they did on Hitler...! But not to worry, as "Li'l Donnie" has always been lucky, so what makes you think his luck is ever going to run out... He's "The Donald"...!

  7. Look at Trump's new beach front property now, after a little sea rise brought some "pay back" garbage and "karma" from Puerto Rico...!

  8. Trump's "Bounty Boomarangs", thrown at Puerto Ricans, come back to hit "Li'l Donnie" right between his eyes and campaign lies...! Nice catch "Li'l Donnie"... gottcha LOSER...!

  9. It's time for a massive clean up at Mar-a-Lago and time to throw out the trash... and don't forget that big, old, rotting, piece of junk called Donald John Trump... and we can all help... vote HARRIS/WALZ-2024...!
