Wednesday, October 23, 2024

My view... 2024-10-23-0001



  1. "Heeeee's Back"... as Mein Drumpf is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and this time, he knows how to pick his generals... and that's why he's never going away, again...!

  2. :Li;l Donnie" says, when speaking of a "lowlife"... you can't get any lower than him, as nobody can out "lowlife" Trump...!

  3. Talk about the perfect, one man, long term, sleeper cell... that sure explains those naps during all of his trials and dozing off at town halls and drifting off at his rallies, as he was just getting ready, building up his stamina, for his come back and "final solution", retribution tour...! "Heil Drumpf...!"

  4. Wake up America...! "Li'l Donnie" needs help, now, as It looks like he has has finally gone off the deep end with his incoherent ramblings. A very sick and dangerous man. It's time to intervene NOW, for his own safety and ours...!

  5. ... and, "Li'l Donnie" doesn't want us to forget about the late, great Al Capone... except the part that he died from a heart attack, in prison, during the late stages of syphilis, that he contracted, while probably fighting his own, personal war on crime, just like "Bone Spurs Trump" did during the Vietnam war...! But, then again, is the a more fitting way to remember Donald J. Trump...?

  6. Trump has released his long hidden, little Hitler from within, in hopes of bringing fear and division to America, so only he can swoop in and save us all and protect women from evil sex predators, like himself, making him the only sex predator left to be afraid of
