Saturday, October 26, 2024

My view... 2024-10-26-0001



  1. Don't worry... it's not the first time "Li'l Donnie" has been off his rocker looking for his lost marbles but it sure is getting closer to being the last time, as it's getting more difficult for him to find his way back, let alone get up onto and get a grip on the old Trump Family rocker, the same one his daddy fell off of and lost his marbles on, during his golden years...!

  2. 🎵
    Oh where, oh where
    Has Trump's brain gone...?
    Oh where, oh where
    Can it be...?
    With his head so big
    And so much room
    Oh where, oh where
    Can it be...?

    [Note: Maybe, RFK Jr's brain worm found a new home...!]
