Thursday, March 28, 2024

My view... 2024-03-28-0001



  1. "Li'l Donnie", being an old, feeble minded and "incontinent" man, should be more careful when walking on water, as he may end up not just treading on The Constitution but leaking all over it, because everyone knows Trump can't control himself, let alone hold it long enough to get to his golden toilet...!

  2. And, don't forget to order your "Li'l Donnie Jesus" bobblehead doll for the dashboard of your car to show the world you're a true Trump believer...! Remember, God is watching...!

  3. Once you bathe your feet in "Trump Holy Water", you, too, can walk all over The Constitution without fear of any reprisals... and only $9.95, available at Trump.con...!

  4. 👊Knock 👊Knock...!
    What's older than water...?
    Donald Trump...!
    Donald Trump who...?
    No, seriously, Donald Trump...!
    I don't get it...!
    Neither does Donald Trump...!
    Oh... now I get it... he's old...!

  5. Please disregard the "Trump Water" label under the "Trump Holy Water" label, as "Trump Holy Water" is unsafe for drinking, unless you mix it with "Trump Vodka", which should kill just about anything...!

    [☠ Note: DRINK AT YOUR OWN RISK... and then pray for Trump to save you...! ☠]
