Thursday, March 21, 2024

My view... 2024-03-21-0001



  1. It's time for Trump's Morons to bail him out once again, so if you've given Trump money before and didn't check the recurring box or you're new to the Trump con, please give now and all you can, to keep the fraud alive. Don't let "them" hurt "Li'l Donnie"...! Send now, all you can, everything you can... Donald Trump needs your money...!

  2. Like "Li'l Donnie" says; "I'm really, really rich... I don't need anybody's money", besides, he still has all those boxes of classified documents he stole from America and has hidden away at his Bedminster Golf Course, and never returned, that is worth more, on the open market than any amount of money he now has...! So, Donald Trump doesn't need "other peoples money"... unless it you're stupid enough to give him some, like a self serving con man, he will take it, while laughing all the way to the bank, (a Russian bank), or wherever he hides his money.

  3. "Li'l Donnie", a great businessman...? Now that's what I call Donald Trump giving the "business" to his suckers... I mean his supporters...!
    A.K.A., buyer beware, as you're being conned by a crook and a LOSER... but hey, there's a sucker born every minute, so you're in good company... and don't forget to make those checks payable directly to Donald John Trump...!!

  4. The "Fleecing of America" by a criminal, con man, loser traitor in a fat man's cheap, sheep's clothing...! BAAAAA... MORON...!
