Monday, March 25, 2024

My view... 2024-03-25-0001



  1. In stead of an eternity in Hell, maybe "Li'l Donnie" should spend an eternity in purgatory, wandering the southern border of America, as a pregnant woman, (who had been raped by a MAGA Evangelical, religious hypocrite)... trying to enter the Untied States, legally, only to be turned away, time after time, because of the Republican's inhumane bigotry and hate filled racism...! All those in favor, say aye...! Or, shall we just go by unanimous consent...?

  2. "Li'l Donnie" wants to know how he can get out of Hell. Well, Mr. Trump, it's a one way trip to Hell, especially for a criminal loser like you, so enjoy your stay... you more than deserve it...!
